Learners Policies
Purestretch communication system for all staff and learners
Purestretch Ltd is committed to having excellent communication systems in place for our staff and learners’ support.
Dedicated emails are in place for staff and learners to have direct contact with the centre Co- Ordinator and director which are checked regularly.
Both are also contactable by phone and and all the contact details will be sent to learners in advance of the course.
Learners should inform Purestretch Ltd of any change of contact details.
Purestretch confirming the Identity of all Learners Procedure
The Centre takes the identity of learners and their progress through their chosen Purestretch programme seriously. Therefore, in line with Active IQ requirements we are required to confirm the identity of all our learners.
When learners enrol on a Purestretch course they will be required to complete an enrolment form.
We may request the following information:
- • your full name, date of birth, and gender
- • your contact information including postal address and email address
- • additional information you may provide to us describing your levels of fitness, interests, and aspirations
They will also then be required to upload a form of photographic identification, which should correlate with the personal details provided. Prior to attending any assessment day, the learner would then have to bring with them the same form of photographic identification with them in order to confirm their identity.
Acceptable forms of I.D. include; Passport or Driving License. Other forms may be accepted but this would be considered on a case by case basis and subject to extreme scrutiny, with the final decision being 100% at Purestretch’s discretion. All personal data will then be stored safely on a password protected computer system.
All paper records in a locked cabinet in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 Thank you for your contribution and commitment to making our procedure work.
Equal Opportunities Policy
The aim of this policy is to communicate the commitment of Purestretch and its instructors to the promotion of equality of opportunity.
It is our policy to provide equality of membership to all, irrespective of:
- gender, including gender reassignment
- marital or civil partnership status
- having or not having dependents
- religious belief or political opinion
- race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, being an Irish traveller)
- disability
- sexual orientation
- age
We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All instructors of Purestretch will be treated fairly and will not be discriminated against on any of the above grounds. Decisions on membership, training or any other benefit will be made objectively, without unlawful discrimination, and based on aptitude and ability.
We recognise that the provision of equal opportunities in all our activities will benefit the organisation. Our equal opportunities policy will help members to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the members will be utilised fully to maximise the effectiveness of the organisation.
Purestretch is committed to the principles and practice of Equality. Purestretch values the diversity of the local population. We want our services, facilities and resources to be accessible and useful to every citizen regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religious belief, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other individual characteristic which may unfairly affect a person’s opportunities in life.
Equality commitments
We are committed to:
- promoting equality of opportunity for all persons
- promoting a good and harmonious learning environment in which all men and women are treated with respect and dignity and in which no form of intimidation or harassment is tolerated
- preventing occurrences of unlawful direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation
- fulfilling all our legal obligations under the equality legislation and associated codes of practice
- complying with our own equal opportunities policy and associated policies
- taking lawful affirmative or positive action, where appropriate
- breaches of our equal opportunities policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to termination of membership
Purestretch expect all members to abide by the policy and help to create the equality environment which is its objective.
In order to implement this policy we shall:
- Communicate the policy to members by issuing an induction pamphlet to all existing, and new members
- Purestretch will endeavour through appropriate training to ensure that it will not consciously, or unconsciously discriminate in the selection or recruitment of applicants for membership of the group
- Incorporate specific and appropriate duties in respect of implementing the equal opportunities policy into roles and responsibilities of members
- Incorporate equal opportunities notices into general communications practices (e.g. announcements, annual report at annual general meeting, notices and newsletters).
- Ensure that adequate resources are made available to fulfil the objectives of the policy
Monitoring and review
We will establish appropriate information and monitoring systems to assist the effective implementation of our equal opportunities policy. The effectiveness of the equal opportunities policy will be reviewed regularly (at least annually) and action taken as necessary.
Where You Encounter Discrimination
- If you feel subject to discrimination of any kind as identified within this policy, make clear to the individual concerned that you find it unacceptable. Person-to-person discussion at an early stage may be enough to resolve your concern without involving anyone else. Alternatively, seek the help of a trusted colleague (e.g. a fellow learner or a trusted member of staff) and ask them to approach whoever has caused you offence.
- If discrimination continues, or you consider an instance to be particularly serious, you should consider who to highlight the issue with. For the majority of cases this will likely to be the tutor or assessor. However we appreciate that this staff member may be implicated in your concern and therefore when this happens they should approach the tutor/assessors line manager or the designated internal verifier.
- The staff member approached will carry out a suitable documented investigation or where more appropriate will refer the issue to an appropriate individual responsible for this area within the company.This will be communicatied to Purestretch Founder Ciaran Cashmore.
- The result of the investigation into alleged discrimination will be communicated to you with information including the action taken and outcome highlighted if applicable or appropriate.
- If you feel dissatisfied about the outcome of the investigation and you want to appeal then you will need to contact Ciaran Cashmore directly and expect a reply within five working days of receiving the outcome
- Level 3 Award in Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment (QCF) or
- Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement (QCF) or
- Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF) or
- Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (QCF), or
- A1 (previously D32, D33)
- Possess a discipline specific qualification equivalent to the qualification being taught
- Have relevant industry experience
- Demonstrate active involvement in a process of industry relevant Continued Professional Development during the last two years
- Management: you can speak to any of our managers.
- Instructors: any of the instructors can also tell you how to make a complaint
- identify any other learner, who has been affected by that failure
- correct, or where it cannot be corrected, mitigate as far as possible the effect of the failure
- ensure that the failure does not recur in the future
- compensate the learner if the centre is found it has compromised its own terms and conditions that form part of the contract between us and the learner in question
- Contravention of our centre and qualification approval conditions
- Denial of access to resources (premises, records, information, learners and staff) by any
- Failure to carry out delivery, internal assessment, internal moderation or internal verification in accordance with our requirements
- Deliberate failure to adhere to our learner registration and certification procedures
- Deliberate or persistent failure to continually adhere to Purestretch recognition and/or
Accreditation approval criteria or actions assigned to our centre
- Deliberate failure to maintain appropriate auditable records eg learner files
- Persistent instances of maladministration within our centre
- Fraudulent claims for certificates
- Intentional withholding of information from us which is critical to maintaining the rigour of quality assurance and standards
- Deliberate misuse of our logo and trademarks
- Forgery of evidence
- Collusion or permitting collusion in exams
- Contravention by purestretch and learners of the assessment arrangements we specify
- Insecure storage of assessment materials and exam papers
- Plagiarism of any nature by learners
- Inappropriate
- A request for further information
- Interviews (face to face or by telephone) with personnel involved in the investigation Where a member of purestretch is under investigation, they may be suspended.
Thank you for your contribution and commitment to making our policy work.
Purestretch Appeals Procedure
The purpose of an appeals procedure is to ensure that every learner who is not satisfied with the outcome of an assessment decision has the right to appeal against the decision that has been made.
The appeals procedure applies to any learner following completion of an Active IQ qualification at Purestretch and provides learners with a formal route to appeal against a decision.
Purestretch learners will be assessed against Active IQ published criteria and by assessors who must hold or be working towards any of the following:
In addition, Purestretch will ensure that assessors:
All new Purestretch assessors will be given a clear action plan for achieving the appropriate qualification(s) and should be countersigned by an appropriately qualified individual until the qualification(s) are achieved.
If for any reason the learner is unhappy with the outcome, of the online assessment, they must get in touch with their assessor via email to communicate the reason for the appeal. If the appeal is unresolved the learner will then be directed to the Internal Verifier and should expect a reply within 7 days. If the matter is still unresolved the learner will be directed to Ciaran Cashmore the Founder of Purestretch who will be in touch via phone within 5 days. If the matter is unresolved purestretch will log the appeal with Active IQ on behalf of the learner and should expect a result within 2 weeks.
Throughout the assessment process Purestretch will comply fully with Active IQ’s policy on reasonable adjustments and special considerations that can be found:
Investigating appeals is very problematic without the presence of impartial evidence. Therefore appeals in the context of live observed assessments will only be considered when accompanied by a suitable video recording.
As a learner of Purestretch you will be able to use a video recording as long as it does not adversely affect the assessment process, allows the assessor to carry their role and does not contravene a venue/organisations rules or regulations. The learner must make suitable arrangements to arrange a video operator.
Thank you for your contribution and commitment to making our policy work.
Complaints Policy
Complaints Policy
This policy tells you how to make a complaint to Purestretch
This is the policy that we will follow if your complaint is about someone’s conduct or behavior. This could be because you think that someone has behaved in a way that is unsafe, unprofessional, discriminatory, offensive, or intimidating.
Values and principles
You have the right to complain, and we take complaints seriously. You should not be harassed, bullied, or put at a disadvantage because of making a complaint.
Equality: you should receive a proper response to your complaint, regardless of your age, gender, disability, race, religion, nationality, social status, sexual orientation, or political persuasion.
Fairness: we believe that complaints should be dealt with fairly and openly. Unless it would put other people at risk, those affected by a complaint should have a chance to contribute and respond to any investigation.
Safety and welfare take priority: we will always give priority to concerns that affect safety and welfare.
Confidentiality: we treat complaints as confidentially as possible.
Sometimes we have to discuss complaints with other organisations. If we are worried about a risk to a person or to the public, we might need to pass on our concerns to the right authorities. If necessary, we will get advice from other organisations such as the Police.
How to make a complaint?
If you have a complaint, it is often best to start by having a conversation with management at Purestretch.
There are some suggestions below about who to speak to. They may be able to help to resolve your problem. You could also make a written complaint. The address for written complaints is at the bottom of this policy.
If your complaint needs to be looked into further, you will normally be asked to put your complaint in writing. We accept anonymous complaints, but it is often very difficult to
How to make a complaint?
If you have a complaint, it is often best to start by having a conversation with management at Purestretch.
There are some suggestions below about who to speak to. They may be able to help to resolve your problem. You could also make a written complaint. The address for written complaints is at the bottom of this policy.
If your complaint needs to be looked into further, you will normally be asked to put your complaint in writing. We accept anonymous complaints, but it is often very difficult to investigate these properly. It is easier for us to handle your complaint if you provide as much detail as possible.
Who to contact to make a complaint?
Complaints will usually be handled by senior staff. Useful contact details have been included at the bottom of this policy.
The address for written complaints has been included at the bottom of this policy.
What will we do to investigate?
We will give an initial response to your complaint within five working days. If the matter is urgent, we will respond more quickly. We will investigate your complaint fairly. This means that we will discuss the complaint with all of the relevant people. We will try to gather any information that may be relevant to handling your complaint.
Questions or queries about this policy
If you have a general query about this complaints policy, you should speak to the following person:
Name : Ciaran Cashmore (Purestretch Founder)
Contact Number/Email
What happens if my complaint is upheld?
Sometimes a complainant may wish to remain anonymous, however, it is always preferable to reveal your identity and contact details to support a comprehensive review/investigation. If you are concerned about possible adverse consequences, please inform us that you do not wish to divulge your identity.
If any part of your complaint is upheld, we will of course respond to the complainant accordingly and give due consideration as to how we can improve our service and arrangements. For example, reviewing our procedures and actions to evaluate the need/impact of any required changes to our existing arrangements and assessment processes (if relevant), or the need for additional for staff training. In extreme circumstances, internal disciplinary procedures may be exercised where the performance or behavior of our staff is deemed inappropriate.
In situations where a complaint has been successful, or where an investigation following notification from Active IQ indicates a failure in our processes, Purestretch will give due consideration to the outcome and will, as appropriate, take actions such as:
Thank you for your contribution and commitment to making our policy work.
Purestretch Malpractice & Maladministration Policy
This policy is aimed at our master trainers who are delivering Purestretch courses and who are involved in suspected or actual malpractice/maladministration. It is also for use our Master Trainers to ensure they deal with all malpractice and maladministration investigations in a consistent manner.
It sets out the steps purestretch, Master trainers and learners must follow when reporting suspected or actual cases of malpractice/maladministration and our responsibilities in dealing with such cases. It also sets out the procedural steps we will follow when reviewing the cases.
Purestretch’s responsibility
It is important that our master trainers involved in the assessment and quality assurance of our courses and our learners, are fully aware of the contents of the policy and that purestretch has arrangements in place to prevent and investigate instances of malpractice and maladministration.
A failure to report suspected or actual malpractice/maladministration cases, or have in place effective arrangements to prevent such cases, may lead to sanctions being imposed on purestretch
Review arrangements
We will review the policy annually as part of our annual self-assessment arrangements and quality plan. The policy will be revised as and when necessary in response to customer and learner feedback, changes in our practices, actions from the regulatory authorities or external agencies or changes in legislation or trends identified from previous allegations. In addition, this policy may be updated in light of operational feedback to ensure our arrangements for dealing with suspected cases of malpractice/maladministration remain effective.
Malpractice & Maladministration Policy
Definition of Malpractice
Malpractice is essentially any activity or practice which deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the integrity of internal or external assessment processes and/or the validity of certificates.
For the purpose of this policy this term also covers misconduct and forms of unnecessary discrimination or bias towards certain groups of learners.
The categories listed below are examples of centre and learner malpractice. Please note that these examples are not exhaustive and are only intended as guidance on our definition of malpractice:
Authorised Purestretch Training representative and/or the regulatory authorities
Definition of Maladministration
Maladministration is essentially any activity or practice which results in non-compliance with administrative regulations and requirements and includes the application of persistent mistakes or poor administration within a centre (eg inappropriate use of learner records).
Process for making an allegation of malpractice or maladministration
Anybody who identifies or is made aware of suspected or actual cases of malpractice or maladministration at any time must immediately report their findings to the Director of Quality In doing so they should put them in writing/email and enclose appropriate supporting evidence.
All allegations must include (where possible) the:
Centre’s name, address and number
Learner’s name and awarding organisation number
Centre/Master Trainer’s personnel details (name, job role) if they are involved in the case Title and number of the purestretch Training course affected or nature of the service affected
Date(s) suspected or actual malpractice occurred
Full nature of the suspected or actual malpractice Contents and outcome of any investigation carried out by the centre or anybody else involved in the case, including any mitigating circumstances
Purestretch should:
Ensure that those leading the investigation are independent of the master trainer learners being investigated Inform those who are suspected of malpractice that they are entitled to know the necessary details of the case and possible outcomes
Submit the findings of the investigation to us with your report
In all cases we’ll protect the identity of the ‘informant’ in accordance with our duty of confidentiality and/or and other legal duty.
Investigation timeliness and Purestretch Training aim to action and resolve all stages of the investigation within 20 working days of receipt of the allegation.
The investigation may involve:
Throughout the investigation our purestretch Director will be responsible for overseeing the work of the investigation team to ensure that due process is being followed, appropriate evidence has been gathered and reviewed for liaising with and keeping informed relevant external parties.
Stage 7: Reporting
A draft report is prepared and factual accuracy agreement obtained. The final report is submitted to the relevant staff member within Purestretch for review and sign-off and shared with Active IQ and relevant parties within your organisation.
Stage 8: Actions
Any resultant action plan is implemented and monitored appropriately, and Active IQ notified.
If you would like to refer to Active IQ’s policy for Malpractice and Maladministration, please visit https://www.activeiq.co.uk/for-centres/policies-and-procedures
Thank you for your contribution and commitment to making our policy work