Purestretch staff Induction and CPD arrangements

“PureStretch is designed to educate and inspire those that participate. We as a team are dedicated to delivering Purestretch in a positive and professional manner ensuring enjoyment for everyone”

It sets out the steps purestretch, Master trainers and learners must follow when reporting suspected or actual cases of malpractice/maladministration and our responsibilities in dealing with such cases. It also sets out the procedural steps we will follow when reviewing the cases.


In order to become a Purestretch tutor, you will need to have or are working towards the following qualifications.

  • Group training Fitness
  • Certified Level 1 Purestretch course
  • Tutor Qualification level 2
  • First Aid Qualified
  • Quality Insurance
  • Public liability for tutoring the course

Policies & Procedures
A full set of guidelines have been produced for you to study. It is imperative you are fully coherent in all our policies as they are for the safety and welfare of yourself and our clients.

See appendix 1

Pre-Course Information
Prior to the course commencing, each client will be contacted by Purestretch Management regarding the following;

  • Health screened
  • A copy of each client’s health screening will be sent for your perusal
  • Venue
  • Course timetable
  • Required to purchase advisory educational material

Without the afore mentioned, attendance will not be permitted.

The Course
The course content is online with 1 day Face to Face and a detailed lesson plan is provided to assist you with your timetabling.
The delegates manual gives you a step-by-step guide on the learning expectations of the client from the initial introduction to the final assessment.

Learning difficulties
Learning difficulties should never detract from the enjoyment of Purestretch and if managed correctly, the client will still successfully complete the course.
As part of our health screening, any learning difficulties will have been identified and advice taken on how to deal with the specific issue.

Purestretch will fully communicate with the individual(s) concerned and you will be informed on the best way to deal with the situation at hand.

Should there be any further concerns, Purestretch Management will be there to advise.

Appendix 1
PureStretch Policies & Procedures
1. Health & Safety policy
2. Fire Safety policy
3. Emergency Evacuation plan (University of Reading)
4. Accident & Incident reporting policy (University of Reading)
5. Equal Opportunities policy
6. Complaints policy

Health & Safety policy
Purestretch recognizes and accepts its responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work, etc., Act 1974 as an employer and for any members of the public likely to be affected by its activities, insofar as is reasonably practicable.
Purestretch will;

  • Encourage safety at all times
  • Only work at premises that are safe and have their own set of policies and procedures for full communication to our staff and clients.
  • Provide and maintain a working environment that is safe, without risk to health, is adequate with regards to facilities and arrangements for our employee’s welfare whilst at work and any other interested parties.
  • Provide suitable arrangements for effective communication regarding health and safety matters.
  • Undertake routine internal and where necessary external audits of operating procedures.
  • The responsibility for discharging health and safety management in Purestretch is that of the nominated Director, Ms Ciaran Organ.

Purestretch regards the promotion of health and safety as a mutual objective for its Directors, Managers and other employees. In particular, all its employees are reminded of their duties under Sections 7 and 8 of the Health & Safety at Work, etc., Act 1974 (HASAW Act) and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999:

  • To take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others
  • To co-operate with their employers to enable them to carry out their responsibilities
  • Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety or welfare
  • To notify their manager of any work situation that represents, in the view of the employee, a serious and immediate danger to health and safety or a shortcoming in the Group’s protection arrangements for health and safety.

This Statement of Health and Safety policy will be reviewed periodically in the light of the needs of the organisations and any changes in the law.
It is the intention of Purestretch to place health and safety as a high priority in relation to its overall business aims and to ensure effective communication of its intentions and means of achieving its intentions to employees and other parties who may be affected by its activities.

Fire Safety policy

The Purestretch fire policy is implemented to provide safe conditions in relation to risk of fire for its customers and staff. This will be achieved by ensuring the business runs in a manner that promotes safe working and staff awareness to the risks of fire and ways we can actively reduce any risk.
Purestretch is committed to ensuring the standard of fire safety awareness adopted in respect of its operation is to an acceptable level.

Purestretch courses are run within existing organisations and will liaise directly with said organisations to ensure their fire safety and evacuation plans are communicated effectively to our staff and clients.
This policy will be reviewed regularly and will be amended as necessary so as to constantly reflect best practice for all Purestretch fire control operations.

Purestretch will set the standard and achieve through adhering to the following principles:

  • All staff will be aware of the Purestretch fire policy
  • All staff will be aware of the place of works fire safety and evacuation plan.
  • In case of a fire, all staff will ensure they follow the place of works evacuation plans and evacuate the premises in a calm and orderly manner

All members of staff will apply considerable effort, both individually and collectively, towards achieving fire safety.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Today’s Purestretch class is being held at the University of Reading.
In line with fire safety legislation, the University of Reading have their own emergency evacuation plans and they are fully documented below.
In case of fire, the Purestretch team are fully aware of their responsibilities, but please take some time to read the plan for your own reference and safety.

Example of one of purestretch Centres :University of Reading – Sports Park Fire Safety procedures

It is the objective of the Sports Park to ensure that the risk of fire is minimized and that all staff are competent in evacuation procedures.

Evacuation Procedure

  • The Duty Manager will instruct the receptionist to contact the emergency services
  • The Duty Manager will co-ordinate staff to ensure the following areas are checked and evacuated;
    • Sports hall, staff room, therapy room, balcony, meeting room, sports office, yoga studio, sports hall lobby, dance studio, female toilets, male staff changing room, plant room, female changing room, female staff changing room, fitness studio, refuge area, first & ground floor, all corridors, male toilet, male changing room, squash courts and squash balcony.
  • The Duty manager will then proceed to the assembly point. The assembly point is located on the gravel area of the car park
  • The Duty Manager will take the first aid box and building plan and liaise directly with the Emergency Services on arrival
  • Re-entry to the building will only permitted once the all clear has been given by the Emergency Services

PureStretch staff are committed to the safety of their clients and as such, will observe all fire safety directives in the above evacuation plan.

Accident & Incident reporting policy

All PureStretch instructors are first aid qualified and are committed to assess and assist anyone with injury and illness where necessary.
Each instructor will be qualified to evaluate the level of injury or illness and take appropriate action accordingly.
Today’s PureStretch class is being held at the University of Reading and PureStretch are committed to following their accident and incident reporting procedures, all of which are listed below.
In addition to following the University of Reading’s policies, PureStretch will keep their own record of injuries and illnesses.

University of Reading – SportsPark Accident & Incident procedures
It is the objective of the SportsPark to provide adequate first aid cover at all times while staff and the public are on site.
This procedure details the minimum level of first aid provision, first aid box requirements, processes for managing first aid incidents and procedures for clearing up and reporting incidents.

First Aid Provision

  • There will be a minimum of 1 First Aider on duty at any time. Under normal circumstances this will be the Duty Manager
  • It is the responsibility of the Operations Manager to ensure that the relevant staff hold current first aid at work qualifications. Training will normally be undertaken through the Occupational Health department however other HSE accredited training/qualifications are acceptable.
  • The Operations Manager will ensure that a list of current qualified first aiders is displayed on a public notice board near the SportsPark reception. This notice will also contain information regarding the location of the first aid box and details of how to contact the emergency services
  • Operating Procedure

    • The first aid box is located in the main office of the SportsPark and is required to

    Managing a First Aid Incident

    • When called upon, the First Aider will ensure that they are in possession of a radio and will attend to initially assess the situation to establish whether there is any imminent danger to themselves, the injured person or bystanders
    • Having ensured there is no danger, or once the area has been made safe, the First Aider will assess the condition of the injured person(s)
    • The First Aider will give immediate and adequate treatment, bearing in mind that the injured person may have more than one injury and that some injured persons will require more urgent attention than others
    • The First Aider must arrange, without delay, for the transfer of the injured person(s) according to the seriousness of his/her condition to a place where medical treatment can be provided if necessary

    Follow-up action

    • The First Aider is responsible for completing the local ‘Accident Report Form’ (located in the Safety File at the SportsPark reception) and filing the completed form in the Accident Report File

    Equal Opportunities policy
    The aim of this policy is to communicate the commitment of Purestretch and its instructors to the promotion of equality of opportunity.
    It is our policy to provide equality of membership to all, irrespective of:

    • gender, including gender reassignment
    • marital or civil partnership status
    • having or not having dependents
    • religious belief or political opinion
    • race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, being an Irish traveller)
    • disability
    • sexual orientation
    • age

    We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All participants of Purestretch will be treated fairly and will not be discriminated against on any of the above grounds. Decisions on membership, training or any other benefit will be made objectively, without unlawful discrimination, and based on aptitude and ability.

    We recognise that the provision of equal opportunities in all our activities will benefit the organisation. Our equal opportunities policy will help members to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the members will be utilised fully to maximise the effectiveness of the organisation.

    PureStretch is committed to the principles and practice of Equality. PureStretch values the diversity of the local population. We want our services, facilities and resources to be accessible and useful to every citizen regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religious belief, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other individual characteristic which may unfairly affect a person’s opportunities in life.

    Equality commitments

    We are committed to:

    • promoting equality of opportunity for all persons
    • promoting a good and harmonious learning environment in which all men and women are treated with respect and dignity and in which no form of intimidation or harassment is tolerated
    • preventing occurrences of unlawful direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation
    • fulfilling all our legal obligations under the equality legislation and associated codes of practice
    • complying with our own equal opportunities policy and associated policies
    • taking lawful affirmative or positive action, where appropriate
    • breaches of our equal opportunities policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to termination of membership


    PureStretch expect all members to abide by the policy and help to create the equality environment which is its objective.
    In order to implement this policy we shall:

    • Communicate the policy to members by issuing an induction pamphlet to all existing, and new members
    • PureStretch will endeavour through appropriate training to ensure that it will not consciously, or unconsciously discriminate in the selection or recruitment of applicants for membership of the group
    • Incorporate specific and appropriate duties in respect of implementing the equal opportunities policy into roles and responsibilities of members
    • Incorporate equal opportunities notices into general communications practices (e.g. announcements, annual report at annual general meeting, notices and newsletters)
    • Ensure that adequate resources are made available to fulfil the objectives of the policy

    Monitoring and review
    We will establish appropriate information and monitoring systems to assist the effective implementation of our equal opportunities policy. The effectiveness of the equal opportunities policy will be reviewed regularly (at least annually) and action taken as necessary.

    Members who believe that they have suffered any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation are entitled to raise the matter through the agreed procedures. A copy of these procedures is available from Ciaran Organ, founder of Purestretch. All complaints of discrimination will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially.

    Every effort will be made to ensure that members who make complaints will not be victimised. Any complaint of victimisation will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially.
    Complaints from members of the public will be dealt with under agreed procedures, a copy of these procedures is available from Ciaran Organ, founder of PureStretch.

    Complaints policy

    This policy tells you how to make a complaint to PureStretch
    This is the policy that we will follow if your complaint is about someone’s conduct or behaviour. This could be because you think that someone has behaved in a way that is unsafe, unprofessional, discriminatory, offensive or intimidating.

    Values and principles
    You have the right to complain: we take complaints seriously. You should not be harassed, bullied or put at a disadvantage because of making a complaint.

    Equality: you should receive a proper response to your complaint, regardless of your age, gender, disability, race, religion, nationality, social status, sexual orientation or political persuasion.

    Fairness: we believe that complaints should be dealt with fairly and openly. Unless it would put other people at risk, those affected by a complaint should have a chance to contribute and respond to any investigation.

    Safety and welfare take priority: we will always give priority to concerns that affect safety and welfare.
    Confidentiality: we treat complaints as confidentially as possible.

    Sometimes we have to discuss complaints with other organisations. If we are worried about a risk to a person or to the public, we might need to pass on our concerns to the right authorities. If necessary, we will get advice from other organisations such as the Police.

    How to make a complaint?
    If you have a complaint, it is often best to start by having a conversation with management at PureStretch.
    There are some suggestions below about who to speak to. They may be able to help to resolve your problem. You could also make a written complaint. The address for written complaints is at the bottom of this policy.
    If your complaint needs to be looked into further, you will normally be asked to put your complaint in writing. We accept anonymous complaints, but it is often very difficult to investigate these properly. It is easier for us to handle your complaint if you provide as much detail as possible.

    Who to contact to make a complaint?
    Complaints will usually be handled by senior staff. Useful contact details have been included at the bottom of this policy.

    • Management : you can speak to any of our managers
    • Instructors: any of the instructors can also tell you how to make a complaint

    The address for written complaints has been included at the bottom of this policy.

    What will we do to investigate?
    We will give an initial response to your complaint within five working days. If the matter is urgent, we will respond more quickly. We will investigate your complaint fairly. This means that we will discuss the complaint with all of the relevant people. We will try to gather any information that may be relevant to handling your complaint.
    Sometimes we will ask to show copies of information from the investigation to other people to allow them to respond. This is because we believe in fairness and openness. We will not share information if we think that this will endanger someone’s safety or welfare.

    How will I know what is happening?
    You will be given the details of a person who will be your point of contact at PureStretch. That person will make sure that you understand the process, and will help to answer any questions or concerns that you have. You will be given an update on the progress of your complaint every two weeks. If there are delays in handling your complaint for any reason, we will keep you informed. If your complaint leads to formal disciplinary action against someone, we will usually inform you about the outcome.

    What are the possible outcomes or results of my complaint?
    In many cases, we are able to resolve problems informally. This might include:

    • A change in arrangements for particular activities
    • An explanation or apology
    • An agreement to communicate or act differently in future
    • If an informal resolution is not suitable, then a small committee of management will look at the information about the case. We will try to make sure that this does not contain anyone directly involved with your complaint. They might decide to take the following action:
      • Formal disciplinary action under the rules of Purestretch
      • Formal disciplinary action against a member of staff /instructor
      • Changes in formal contracts or arrangements put in place by Purestretch
      • A decision to refer the case to another organisations such as the Police.
      • Closure of your complaint without action

    Questions or queries about this policy
    If you have a general query about this complaints policy, you should speak to the following person:
    Catherine Cashmore
    PureStretch Management

    We support our staff in maintaining and developing their skills and knowledge, so as to deliver the service expected by learners working towards Active IQ qualifications. We respect that continuing personal or professional development (CPD) will reflect how Purestretch staff wish to progress and develop their careers.
    We encourage our staff to engage in appropriate CPD activities.

    Purestretch maintains up to date records of all staff members CPD activities and these will be available to Active IQ upon request.
    Thank you for your contribution and commitment to making our policy work.

    Staff Structure and Roles and Responsibilities of the Team

    As soon as you get in touch you will be directed to the Centre Contact who will select your Tutor, this is your point of contact and support throughout your learning with purestretch, once you have completed your course. Your theory and practical will be assessed by the nominated assessor within our Organization To maintain the high standards with purestretch we have an Internal Verifier who will manage and oversee assessment so that it consistently meets national standards, thus maintaining public confidence in every qualification awarded.

    Pic will go here

    The Roles of the Team

    Tutors have a range of duties aimed at furthering the knowledge and learning skills of their students in order to help them progress with their education or pass a specific exam. Tutors can be employed to teach a wide range of subjects and specific duties and responsibilities vary depending on the subject being taught. A history Tutor might be responsible for teaching a student evaluative technique, while a chemistry Tutor can teach practical skills for use in a laboratory.

    A Tutor’s primary duties and responsibilities include the following:

    • Creating lesson plans for the students
    • Assessing students on their existing ability in a subject area
    • Creating a schedule for further education and development in subject areas
    • Assessing a student’s level of progress within a subject and identifying areas for improvement
    • Providing mock examinations or tests to prepare students for real exams
    • Reviewing student’s homework assignments and test scores and working through problem questions that the student did not answer correctly
    • Providing support for students during their examinations
    • Communicating with parents/guardians about trouble areas or any issues that requite attention
    • Keeping up to date on the current curriculum and latest teaching trends

    An assessor supports and assesses students working towards their qualification. It’s an assessor’s job to ensure that trainees meet the occupational standards required to achieve their qualifications.
    Day to day tasks vary, but could include:

    • Planning vocational workshops
    • Delivering training
    • Observing and assessing candidates in a workplace setting
    • Supporting candidates in developing their portfolio of evidence
    • Assessing their portfolio of evidence against occupational standards
    • Providing feedback to help students meet and exceed occupational standards
    • Keeping records of the student’s progress
    • Attending meeting with other assessors
    • Liaising with training staff and managers within the workplace
    • Signing off the qualification once all the training and occupational standards have been met

    Internal Verifiers
    An Internal Verifier manages the delivery and quality assurance of the assessment process, to ensure that workplace assessments of individuals’ competence and performance meet relevant quality standards (local, national and/or external).

    Internal Verifier roles and responsibilities

    • They will facilitate and support assessors to meet on a regular basis
    • They will assist assessors in the standardisation of assessment evidence and sharing of best practice
    • They will sample assessment evidence according to the internal verification policy
    • They will countersign evidence as confirmation of verification
    • They will complete internal verification reports and summary sheets
    • They will maintain a CPD record and make this available to AWARDING BODY’s external quality assurance staff on request
    • They will contribute to the centre’s review of policies, procedures, learning and assessment material and resources
    • They will participate in any assessment appeal as indicated in the centre appeals procedure
    • They will participate in any complaint as indicated in the centre complaints procedure
    • They will attend and participate in any visits by AWARDING BODY quality assurance staff, as required
    • He will be aware of the risk of malpractice and act according to the centre procedure
    • Purestretch assessment Guidance

      Guidelines for delivery and assessment
      Support for Tutor Assessors and Assessors
      Active IQ Level 2 courses

      Please note that these guidelines are to be used in conjunction with the relevant LEP and Resource Pack (which may include PowerPoint presentations (some with audio); blended learning task materials to be referenced by the Tutor Assessor and Active IQ mandatory theory unit materials). For each course the Learner will also be provided with a content/material manual or the equivalent in e-learning materials. Purestretch will ensure that workforce members are in receipt of a copy of the learner’s materials (please contact the office if you have any concerns over the version number of your materials at any time).

      Tutor Assessors and Assessors are encouraged to reference the Workbook / Resource Pack and LEP for specific guidance relevant to their course delivery and assessments.

      Assessors and Tutor Assessors are expected to confirm that Learners are aware of the purestretch Appeals procedures and the channels of communication with the Awarding Organisation, Active IQ, if required.

      1. General Guidance for Tutor Assessors and Independent Assessors
      For each course, Learners are provided with a range of resources offered by the EMD Academy to support their studies. These include:

      • Course Workbook / Resource Pack
      • Learner Evidence Portfolio
      • Active IQ Learner Manual
      • All materials are available to Tutor Assessors, please contact the office with any questions in relation to resources.
        Practical resources and equipment:

        • To deliver each part of the course, you will need:
        • Sound Source
        • Flipchart or whiteboard
        • Equipment relevant to the course to be delivered
      • If you have any difficulties with these, or the delivery venue, please do contact the office as soon as possible.
        Please note: there is no requirement to have a projector/ display screen at the venues due to the blended learning model of these courses. All home-study tasks and follow up study can be encouraged by the Tutor as all Learner’s have access to e-materials for relevant courses before, during and after on-course days/ workshop.
      • It is very useful for Tutor Assessors to reference the Course Workbook/ Resources throughout the delivery. Making connections to relevant page numbers and assessment materials in the Learner Evidence Portfolio is essential to support Learners throughout the course.

      2. purestretch (Mission Statement; Equality Policy; Code of Ethics)
      These documents can all be obtained via the Office.

      3. Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Procedure
      Tutor Assessors and Assessors will be alerted by the office if any Learner volunteers information relating to preferred learning practices or assessment requirements to support their particular needs.
      If during a course or assessment any member of the workforce feels that an alternative assessment or delivery method needs to be considered to support an individual learner, please do contact the office directly to discuss.
      Please contact the office if you do already have a copy of the Complaints Policy and details relating to Special Assessment Requirements and Reasonable Adjustments.

      4. Marking and giving feedback:
      Please type/ write in green, do not write in pencil or use post-it notes on any paper copies that could be removed by the Learner. Your feedback needs to be evident during the Quality Assurance (QA) process.
      Please indicate to Learners, where possible, areas for development and be sure to provide positive feedback throughout.
      We prefer the use of electronic portfolios to support an efficient marking and QA process for all assessment elements. Where this is not possible, please discuss with the office.

      5. Deferral
      If a Tutor Assessor feels that a Learner is struggling on-course and they may not be ready for the practical Summative Observation assessment, they are required to advise the Learner to defer their assessment. This allows the Learner to postpone until a later date (at no charge) when they are full ready for the assessment. If a deferral is agreed this must be clearly documented on the formative / on course assessment paperwork and discussed directly with the office.

      6. Recommended communication between Tutor Assessors and Learners
      The Office hold examples of suggested emails and communication plans with learners. Please contact Sarah Hale for further information.

      7. Level 2 Mandatory Units
      Learners should ideally complete the following relevant worksheets and study for MCQ examinations before their first on-course workshop day. Whilst we recognise that this may not always be possible, Learners are advised to ensure they are fully prepared and have covered the necessary background reading to be aware of the areas to be covered in each course section/ workshop.

      If the Learner has fallen below the pass grade on a worksheet submission the Tutor Assessor is required to detail the referral and the date in the feedback box at the end of the worksheet (through criterion-referenced feedback and further direction for submission). Once the resubmissions have been made and passed, include the new pass date and sign the worksheet. If the Learner has reached the required pass marks for the worksheet in order to pass but could do with further development, comments can be detailed within the feedback section at the end of the worksheet.

      Once marked and passed by the Tutor Assessor, the portfolio containing the worksheets and feedback needs to be emailed to the purestretch office. These can be sent to info@purestretch.co.uk (or via the post to the office if paper copy submissions have been agreed in advance). A sample of the portfolios will then be emailed to an Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) for verification. Please note, we will not be able to request a certificate until all of the above paperwork has been received by the office.

      The Learners should have completed all worksheets prior to their Summative Observed Session. The Tutor Assessor is also required to mark and sign off the Learners’ session plan/ planning materials prior to their practical observation. The Learner will then provide this marked copy to the Independent Assessor at the Summative Observed Session (the Office may also provide this in advance to the workforce).
      Please note: throughout the pre-course study period and the on-course days, as worksheets and assessments are completed, Tutor Assessors are asked to sign and date the work and the Assessment
      Plan & Record of Achievement within the Learner Evidence Portfolio. You may also need to remind the Learner to sign and date as appropriate too.

      8. On-course Delivery Guidance
      The course delivery schedule for these qualifications has been designed to offer an effective, efficient delivery structure with suitable study activities for a wide range of Learners.
      Please see Appendix A: Course Timetables.
      The sessions and activities have been structured to allow a developmental, progressive approach to the build-up of knowledge for Learners. The assessments have been spread over the course delivery to ensure that the structure does not result in end-loaded assessment practice which can be highly risky in supporting the Learners to be successful throughout the on-course days.
      As such, if you wish to amend the delivery pattern, please do consult with the office first, and ensure that the timetable provided to the Learners has been amended. It is essential that Learners are fully informed so that they can prepare suitably for the following course dates. It is necessary for QA purposes to also be assured that all content is covered at every course delivery and that the IQA/ EQA are aware of the stage of delivery at any given time in a course.
      We recognise that the delivery timetable is quite intense and we hope that this guidance will support you in developing awareness of the best delivery methods for each cohort that you tutor and/or assess.
      Please note: if you are delivering in our Workshop model format, you are not able to amend the course content for each allocated day as learners will be booking onto each workshop independently to ensure they covered all necessary course material.
      The following tasks and notes should be used as directed by the course timetable to ensure standardised coverage of materials across the workforce.

      Note: The daily schedules also include a variety of Home-Study tasks and a Review section, both added to ensure that you are able to help the Learners consolidate their activity and learning from the session with you whilst preparing of the next taught session and/or assessment element.


      • Welcome & course / workshop overview – Your experiences so far/ your group training journey so far… discussion and practical experimentation/ demonstration of skills/ areas for development
      Introduce yourself; confirm attendees / welcome individuals and the group; complete registration and relevant administrative tasks (check Learners have course materials).
      Confirm venue housekeeping and procedures for on-course sessions. This may include discussing and agreeing ground rules for interaction and group working on-course.
      ACTIVITY: Ice breaker task to be co-ordinated by the Tutor Assessor, as suitable for the particular cohort. It might be appropriate to co-ordinate group discussion (or small break out groups) to share experience of training/ teaching/ classes/ fitness sessions etc; discussing key features or memorable experiences.

      Group introductions to share backgrounds and experience (include brief personal background from Tutor Assessor). Remember that Learners will come from a range of backgrounds and experience levels. Some may have just passed various types of discipline-specific training; some may be experienced instructors/ teachers; some may be new to the industry or may have delivered other similar material/ sessions/ training before and have experience in other contexts.
      It is essential to ensure Learners are clear regarding the specifics of their course. Following the guidance below, discuss the appropriate qualification requirements (reference the Record of Achievement wherever possible).

      Talk through the structure of the training course and talk through the delivery timetable so Learners know what each day will entail.

      Tutor Assessors must introduce the assessment requirements of the course and the expectations for Learners at each stage. Refer to their Assessment Plan, Record of Achievement and Summative Observed Session checklists. Confirm that this lists the criteria that Learners need to work towards for practical delivery. Explain the logistics of completing their portfolio and when each assessment element will take place.

      NOTE: If your course includes ONLINE LEARNING, do ensure that you are able to provide reminders regarding mandatory study. Tutor Assessors should already be aware of the status and progress of each individual Learner with the online learning but it can be useful to discuss as a group, who has / hasn’t completed the mandatory unit worksheets and mock MCQ exam papers. Confirm when the theory assessments will take place).

      If you unsure then please confirm with the EMD Academy prior to delivery. Reiterate that theory knowledge will be underpinned practically throughout the on-course sessions and that you will answer any questions along the way that will aid their understanding in preparation for the theory exams.

      Confirm where Learners can seek additional support and learning advice (Tutor Assessors and the office). Be sure to mention the Appeals procedure and retake guidance, signposting Learners to the resource area. Remind Learners who to contact; provide contact details for the Tutor Assessor and the EMD Academy.

      The purpose of this session is to start to introduce the course practically. Discuss with Learners how group exercise can develop cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility and motor skills. Group discussion and notes on flip chart as appropriate.
      Tutor Assessors are encouraged to allow Learners to refresh their memories or introduce the other members of the group to their own moves/ standard exercises to ensure the beginnings of a shared understanding of material and class content/ style.
      • Masterclass – observation and identification of planned components

      5 ACTIVITY:
      Tutor Assessor to lead Masterclass / Team-Teach activity as relevant to the cohort to ensure best-practice sharing for all participants.
      Tutor Assessor to reaffirm that all disciplines/ styles are welcome for this qualification and Learners are encouraged to focus on their own experiences/ styles of class for this qualification material.

      • Section 1: Review – planning models and requirements
      The Tutor Assessor may choose to offer discussion or example here to ensure Learners are familiar
      with the context and setting for classes and/or group activity for this qualification.
      The purpose of this session is to help Learners understand the importance of sharing session details and collecting information from participants in order that they can then plan their sessions appropriately.
      Clarify for Learners that informed consent is identifying the associated benefits and risks of exercise in order to help an individual make an informed decision to participate and that screening, is establishing an individual’s suitability to participate in an exercise programme.

      Direct Learners to turn to the person next to them and discuss how the required information may be collected. Ask them to include in their discussions how this information might affect their planning, giving examples of scenarios they may face.
      Ask each pair to give one or two suggestions and discuss (work round the whole group). Ask the Learners which methods of data collection are appropriate for them? Encourage consideration of class style, participants, setting etc. Discuss a range of scenarios as a group and remember to consider the availability of resources and employer preferences.
      Discuss the possible outcomes and actions required following PARQ responses. These include deferral, referral and changes to proposed alternatives. Discuss practical responses to visual/verbal contraindications.
      Discuss the practicalities of ensuring participants complete a PARQ or similar. (Note; The Tutor Assessor must have sight of a completed PARQ for each Learner in the cohort) Highlight to Learners that although responsibility to participate lies with the individual, alternatives and options can and should be included in the session plan to suit a range of abilities. The EMD UK Academy provide a pre-printed disclaimer for their registered teachers. Employers should provide their own and might provide a pre participation questionnaire. Discuss the possibility that participants could complete the pre-exercise questionnaire online or over the phone. Ensure Learners are aware of the considerations relevant to confidentiality and professionalism. Confirm that any information that is given either, verbally or in writing, must remain confidential and must be filed securely. Disclaimers or letters must not be left in the studio/ available for others to read, or private conversations repeated.

      6 ACTIVITY:
      Discuss possible barriers to participation to include a lack of information about the session; i.e. venue, studio, time, level, style, confidence to attend, personal goals, fitness levels, medical history; existing injuries; physical activity preferences.

      Arrange small groups to consider the need to collect accurate and up-to-date information about participants immediately prior to a class and encourage the group to discuss when it may be necessary to refer participants to another professional. Explain the referral procedure that should be followed.
      Ask each group to make flipchart notes for findings as appropriate. Each group should elect a speaker who will ‘talk through’ their ideas. This will begin to build Learner confidence in standing up in front of a group. Encourage other Learners to ask questions and comment, providing feedback on the group ideas.
      Discuss best practice approaches to screening practically, within the class environment including how to provide the opportunity for participants to speak privately to you. Discuss the importance of considering a range of communication methods and demonstrate how to provide a brief outline of the session for participants.
      It is particularly important to emphasize the procedure for assessing these elements. Tutor Assessors are advised to propose a model for the initial welcome to a session, suggesting possible topics to be covered (e.g. name and class title; suitability of clothing/footwear; no jewellery; access to water; awareness of injuries / other important information; taking preventative action against potentially disruptive behaviour; a brief outline of technical/ physical demands of the session).
      Allocate small groups to enable Learners to undertake role play as an instructor welcoming the other group members as class participants, switching roles so everyone takes a turn as the “instructor”. Feedback ideas to the group as a whole and encourage note-taking as appropriate.

      • Section 1: Understanding how to plan group training based sessions (training methods; choreography; equipment; adaptations)
      Note: depending on the experience level of your cohort, Learners may prefer all practical in this section or a balance between some practical demonstration and activity with some discussion and note taking. Please do adapt this material to suit your Learners.

      The Tutor Assessor is advised here to offer examples of established methods of delivery that show a range of training methods; types of choreography; resources and equipment inclusion and cater for a range of abilities (using adaptations). If the Tutor Assessor has a specialism they may choose to demonstrate this option for a Group Training session or with an experienced group, team teaching activities and pair or small group activities could be coordinated to share good practice.

      7 ACTIVITY:
      Learners may also find observation particularly useful at this time is there are enough Learners to “mock” demonstrate a class in small chunks for group discussion. (Please see above for suitability of activity).
      For reference this section can be followed up in more detail via the AIQ manual; “Understanding how to plan group training based sessions”.
      • Section 4: Understand a safe and effective group training session structure (adaptations continued; cueing; motivation; teaching points)
      The previous section is developed here to emphasize the use of a formalised group training structure (appropriate session design) to ensure that all participants are catered for in terms of capacity; progression / regression; safe and effective practice and appropriate Instructor guidance.

      Learners are to be encouraged to discuss the practical implications of offering adaptations and alternatives in a group training environment. Small groups can share ideas; electing a spokesperson to make note and present to the group.
      Tutor Assessor to coordinate small groups to role-play the use of a minimum of two variables from the options above (choreography/ resources or equipment/ cueing or motivational techniques etc) and demonstrate the possible approaches when instructing to cater for a wide range of levels of participant in each session.
      Discuss how participants know when to start moving and the value of giving them a cue when to start and finish a movement, ensuring everyone begins and finishes at the appropriate point in the music. Using your voice during the bar just before the start prepares the class so that they can anticipate the movements. Suggestions include “ready and” to cue in and “and rest”, “and hold” or “and stop” to finish or, count down with the beats during the previous bar such as “4, 3, 2, 1”.
      Split the group into smaller groups and direct the Learners to try out cueing methods to successfully cue 32 count phrases in a set piece of music. Teach the group practically with a range of base moves and transitions. Remind the Learners that beat and phrase need to be maintained throughout. Ask the Learners what they need to do with structures of music when the beat and phrase are not apparent? Move the Learners on to identifying and practicing how moves fit to the music and link together to include using 32 count phrasing, add-on, layering and verse/chorus structures.
      Ensure Learners feedback and evaluate their practice from this activity and summarise the demonstrations seen by the group; providing links back to the features of a formal session structure that are able to be used/ prepared and planned by the Instructor.

      8 ACTIVITY:
      • Re-cap features/ content and practice teaching: CV bodyweight
      ACTIVITY: Go back through the material covered today in summary discussion format.
      Direct Learners to consideration of the AIQ CV activities that may need to be explained to ensure Learners can include these in their session planning if they wish. Practical demonstration may be required to conclude the day.
      Home Study Task – Think about a class / watch a video and note down teaching points
      Remind Learners that there will not be ‘correct’ responses in this task as comments will be based on what the Learners saw in the sessions observed.
      You might suggest that Learners consider the warm-up (how long was the warm up? / what type of music was used? / what was the speed of music? / what specific activities took place?); the main part (what was the focus of this session? / how did the instructor help participants to improve? / what types of music were used? What progression did you see within the session?; and the cool-down (how long was spent cooling down and stretching? / what type of music was used? any other points to note?) WORKSHOP TWO / EQUIPMENT, MUSIC & RESOURCES
      • Welcome & course / workshop overview – Your experiences so far/ your group training journey so far… discussion and practical experimentation/ demonstration of skills/ areas for development

      Note: This section may be directed as a follow-up to day one as appropriate for the cohort.
      • Masterclass – experience of using various kit/ use of music and choreography methods

      Tutor Assessor to lead Masterclass / Team-Teach activity as relevant to the cohort to ensure best-practice sharing for all participants.

      • Section 2: Group training equipment: guided tutorials with between 4-6 pieces of equipment
      This section needs to be a practical deliver suited to the facility/ the Learner preferences and the size of the cohort. Tutor Assessors are free to direct this session as appropriate ensuring that Learners gain a thorough understanding of a range of equipment and materials.

      • Formative – directed team-teaching based on the above activities.
      The formative assessment opportunity at this point is included to ensure that formal feedback relating to strengths and areas for development can be directed for each individual Learner. Tutor Assessors should, refer to the criterion wherever possible to direct feedback. Teaching/ Instructing


      opportunities will need to be coordinated in small groups or for the full group depending on session choices and size of cohort.

      • Practice equip/ music coaching (TBC in relation to session plan)

      Tutor Assessors are encouraged to set up some small group activity to enable suitable practice of
      the days material as a practical summary.

      Discussion of major features from today’s session for note taking and Q&A. WORKSHOP THREE / ADAPTATIONS

      • Welcome & course / workshop overview – Your experiences so far/ your group training journey so far… discussion and practical experimentation/ demonstration of skills/ areas for development

      Note: This section may be directed as a follow-up to day one as appropriate for the cohort.

      • Masterclass – in order to evaluate (practice giving feedback and identifying practice relevant for assessment criterion etc)

      Tutor Assessor to lead Masterclass / Team-Teach activity as relevant to the cohort to ensure best-practice sharing for all participants.

      • Section 7: Session review and reflective practice

      In this section, Tutor Assessors are encouraged to discuss previous Masterclass or team teaching activity from Days One and Two where possible for review and reflection. This is a facilitated discussion by the Tutor Assessor to ensure any Q&A can be responded to appropriately and sensitively where necessary (in the cases of areas for improvement).

      ACTIVITY: Discussion – sharing and notes on flip chart as appropriate; what is reflective practice?

      Learners are also to be introduced to their evaluation paperwork required for assessment completion in the portfolio,

      • Adaptations in practice

      This section is practical and provides an opportunity for Learners to test-out formal session structure/ variables and material selections (with/ without equipment) to cater for a wide range of participants.

      Tutor Assessor to allocate discussion time for note taking to assist where necessary; Learners are to be encouraged to demonstrate their ideas (once planned if necessary) in practice; using other Learners in a role-play situation.

      ACTIVITY: If time allows, Tutor Assessor to coordinate sharing of ideas in small groups.

      To conclude the day, Learners are to be reminded that the formal summative assessment element, session planning, should now be underway.


      • Welcome & course / workshop overview – Your experiences so far/ your group training journey so far… discussion and practical experimentation/ demonstration of skills/ areas for development

      Note: This section may be directed as a follow-up to day one as appropriate for the cohort. • Masterclass – experience of different approaches/ coaching methods


      Tutor Assessor to lead Masterclass / Team-Teach activity as relevant to the cohort to ensure best-practice sharing for all participants.

      • Section 3: Group training methods and protocols (practical delivery of compound; super sets etc as recap; circuit/ aerobic intervals/ steady state cardio/ HIIT / Tabata / EMOM / Pyramid / Ladder / AMRAP)

      ACTIVITY: Tutor Assessor to coordinate a series of “taster” classes; encouraging Learners to test- out their ideas and partial plans. Each session / taster is to be followed up with evaluative discussion; Q&A; and group discussion to explore possible scenarios of mixed ability participants;
      resource or venue limitations; best –practice cueing and teaching methods for ach approach and / or style of session.
      • Section 5: How to coach in a group training environment

      Group discussion and identification of coaching opportunities; sharing own experiences and providing some guided discussion where required (using manual if appropriate). The Tutor Assessor needs to set up a series of teaching examples where the coaching model can be seen in action. This is to be replicated by each small group of Learner’s.
      This activity should then be developed into larger groups; aiming for all Learners to be leading a full class demonstration of coaching.

      • Module 5: Introduction to Teaching Skills
      It is useful to begin here with some discussion with Learners, encouraging them to recognise that they can recognise a range of group management skills. These should include:
      • Demonstration and explanation of exercises at appropriate times (dry run or pre-teach vs. layering techniques)

      11 ACTIVITY:

      • Changing the orientation of the group or changing teaching position and observing the group from different viewpoints (static and/ or moving around the group to observe technique)
      • Classorganisationorcontrollingthepositionofparticipants,matsandequipment o Mirroringthegroup(oppositevs.mirrorimage)
      • Monitoring intensity (talk test, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate
        monitoring and recognition of signs of over exertion)
      • Maintaining vocal projection (suitable language and variety in tone, consider
        the number of participants, the component, size of the room, acoustics and
        preferences of participants)
      • Providingteachingpoints,clearandconciseinstructions/corrections
      • Maintaining discipline (talking in class – you may consider moving teaching spot

        and standing close to culprits; turning up the music; speak more quietly; or have
        a word with culprits at end of class and remind them about agreed behaviour)

      • Managing latecomers and early leavers (consider reinforcing the need to gradually warm up; don’t re-start class for latecomers; suggest early leavers need to do their own stretching to prevent muscle soreness; be strict, consistent and
      • Correcting techniques and alignment (physical contact in physical activities can
        be an important topic, teachers have to be aware of the issues involved, and refer to child protection and vulnerable adults policy and procedures as appropriate. Encourage open group discussion but remind learners that instructors should always seek to convey information without physical contact to participants)
        Ask Learners what hand signals they have seen used at group sessions or classes before. Emphasis that any gestures/ hand signals that are to be used need to be large to be effective in a group situation.
        Split the group into pairs or smaller groups to explore a range of communication techniques. Allocate “non-verbal” or “verbal” to each group and coordinate brief discussions to consider what issues there may be for the session if participants had visual and/ or hearing impairments, i.e. greater reliance on spoken word or non- verbal signals. Discuss findings with the whole group. Define/ emphasis the importance of movement as a common language (encouraging the absence of jargon). Would there be any other issues for class members who don’t have English as a first language?
        Instruct the Learners to get into pairs and one of the pair to become ‘teacher’ and one ‘Learner’. Learners should sit back to back. The ‘Teacher’ has a diagram which is to be drawn by the ‘Learner’. The ‘Teacher’ tells the ‘Learner’ what to draw without showing the diagram to them. The ‘Learner’ is not allowed to speak or ask questions, just follow the verbal instructions. You can give Learners prepared diagrams to work with or they can do their own designs. De-brief the Learners, share ideas and feedback to include consideration of any feelings of frustration because they can’t ask questions or control the speed and flow of information or because

      Teachers were unable to see Learner progress. Also, discuss any improvements that could be make through specific Teacher feedback.
      Try this activity in different pairs with practical skills (with set of free choice choreography), limiting the Teacher to verbal or visual cues only. Share findings and feedback to the whole group.

      • Module 4: Practical class (Tutor led with focus on adaptations / progression options)
        Ask the Learners to build a routine in preparation to teach a partner/group (approx. 32 counts). Learners are to consider an alternative version of this routine too, so as to cater for lower ability levels in order that alternatives can be provided. Co-ordinate the group to take turns teaching their routines, with focus on using the coaching technique; a range of delivery methods and conveying choreography/ exercises.
        Discuss the importance of motivation with the group. Remind Learners to consider giving positive feedback, praise, encouragement, reinforcement of goals and the effects of teacher enthusiasm. Summarize different types of motivation. Discuss intrinsic /extrinsic motivation and share examples of activities people like to do with/ without any obvious reward. These could be recorded on the flipchart. Discuss how an Instructor/ Teacher could be involved in these particular types of motivation.
        Once all Learners have had a turn, group provides feedback and discussion of pointers they have noticed that worked well
      • • Preparation for Assessment
        This section needs to be directed by the Tutor Assessor to response to areas of strength and areas for development in the cohort. Please do refer to the AIQ portfolio for assessment reminders throughout.
        Note the below can be added into the delivery format to suit each cohort.
        Co-ordinate small groups to practice planning and delivering choreography to include exercises and activities with transitions (moves that flow easily from one to another) that are safe and effective. Encourage Learners to include practice of leading leg changes (to balance impact/ stress and challenge coordination); variety in travelling patterns (make use of movements on the spot, forward, back, side and diagonal moves); variety of impact, and alternatives, modifications and progressions (AMPs).
        Practical activity to encourage a gradual build up movements and develop participants’ coordination by (1) Breaking down movements into component parts; 13

      (2) Use of fast and slow beats; (3) Using introductory moves in warm up that feature later in session; (4) Layering techniques;(5) Holding patterns; (6) Add-on methods / 32 count phrasing / verse and chorus; Pyramiding / reverse pyramiding; (7) Using musicality – dancing on beats mixed with dancing to the lyrics; (8) Using levels; characterisation; energy.

      • Discuss the factors of a good warm up with the group. Note what to avoid during a warm- up . Mention isometric (type of static stretching) movements (which restrict blood flow); raising arms above shoulder level too early in the warm up (as this raises the heart rate too quickly); moves that are too vigorous (lactic acid production versus removal).
      • With optional ACTIVTY: Coordinate Learners in pairs or small groups to structure their warm up sequence, emphasize the need for teaching points and check that Learners justify why they are using certain moves and stretches and how this links to their core content. Remind the group that Learners do not have to demonstrate both static and dynamic stretches in their assessment. The selection needs to be suitable for the participants; the type of session; the length of session and the purpose of the stretches. This should be carefully considered and evidenced both through planning and demonstration/ instruction. Adaptations and modifications/ regressions and progressions should be available at every stage.
      • With optional ACTIVTY: Discuss the features of a main CV component to include pulse raiser; main workout and build down, often referred to as the ‘aerobic curve’. Indicate the optional feature of interval training formats. Remind Learners that at all times the skill and fitness level of participants must be considered. The aerobic curve format maintains exercise intensity at planned target heart rate and offers a variety of impact. Instructors need to offer appropriate choreography to vary the direction of movements and use appropriate music and BPM, in a whole body approach.
      • Encourage Learners to consider the inclusion of body conditioning/ resistance training to cover a whole body approach. The 5Rs provide a reminder of how exercises/activities can be changed. These are (1) rate – vary the speed of an exercise; (2) range – increase/ decrease the exercise; (3) rests – active/passive; (4) repetitions – increase/ decrease and consider the use of sets; (5) resistance – should consider the upper, mid and lower body and planning should allow for easy/ hard versions of the exercise which may include body weight; levers and / or small hand-weight equipment as required in a sequence.
      • With optional ACTIVITY: Discuss a range of body conditioning movements to include abdominal curls, leg lifts, squats, lunges, hamstring curls, knee lifts (this is not an exhaustive list). Organise the group into smaller groups / pairs and encourage Learners to consider how to ensure accurate posture and alignment to ensure accurate toning and relevant muscle strength.
        Discuss with the group the purpose of a Cool Down and emphasise that stretching is important to help develop flexibility and avoid injury by lengthening shortened muscles; 14

      aiding removal of lactic acid (dispersing blood-pooling) and reducing the risk of Delayed Onset of Muscles Soreness (DOMS).

      • With optional ACTIVITY: Tutor Assessor to lead the group (team-teach if appropriate) in a Cool-Down where the intensity of movements and pace is gradually lowered. Participants should be encouraged to feel revitalised, rejuvenated and motivated. Flexibility training and post-exercise stretching should be included with examples of stretches for all major muscle groups which move easily from one to another to promote relaxation whilst using appropriate music if appropriate.
      • STRETCHING – Discuss the benefits of stretching for most mixed ability classes. Discuss options for a whole body and major muscle groups approach: Gastrocnemius / Soleus; Hamstrings; Quadriceps; Adductors / Abductors; Hip flexors; Obliques; Deltoids; Triceps; Pectoralis major; Latissimus Dorsi; Trapezius; Erector Spinae. Discuss types of Stretching to include: Active: The participant holds a set position with no assistance other than the strength of the agonist muscles. The tension of the agonists help to relax the muscles being stretched (the antagonists). Held for approx. 10 seconds; Passive: The participant holds a set position whilst using equipment or another body part to maintain the stretch. Participants relax the muscle they are trying to stretch. Held for approx. 15-30 seconds; Static: The participant holds a set position; range of stretch depends on individual flexibility. Held for approx. 10 seconds.; Dynamic: The participant gradually moves parts of the body into/ out of set positions to increase range and speed of movement (all controlled). Uses multiple repetitions, usually 10-12 times.

      9. Formative and on-course assessment guidance

      • Formative Assessments are for feedback and guidance relating to the key areas for support towards the final Summative Observed Session assessment.
      • Each Learner will be formatively assessed delivering a full/ partial session (depending on time and cohort needs) against the Summative checklist and practical assessment criteria (as summarized in the formative assessment documentation) in the LEP.
      • Each Learner to deliver approximately a 30 minute session (face-to-face on-course/ via filmed footages etc as dictated by the course requirements).
      • Learners are all required to have completed their PARQs before taking part in each other’s sessions. Findings may need to be shared as appropriate.
      • Learners are required to provide a Session Plan/ planning documents prior to this formative assessment.
      • Learners are required to evaluate and record any changes to their delivery of the session and add this to their Portfolio.
      • 15

        • Learners need to be reminded of the specific Summative assessment criteria that need to be considered during this assessment.
          10. Extension tasks and home study guidance

        Please note: The suggested tasks are optional and can of course be amended to suit your cohort. If you want to add more do please let the office know. All details are on the relevant course timetable.
        For Home study tasks, do try to review these the following morning as Learners are arriving (perhaps if some other Learners are running a little late). Again, these are not compulsory but do discuss the usefulness of each task with the Learners.

        11. FAQ

        • Studio class assessments – During the final practical observation assessment, Learners are required to deliver at least 30 minutes of their session. During the assessment the Independent Assessor will ask the Learner to ‘move on’ to the next part of the session once they have seen enough, however, Learners should be prepared to deliver the full 60 minute session. If the Learner passes their practical assessment but refers on the session evaluation, they would not need to retake the practical; however they would need to be provided with the relevant feedback to improve the session evaluation. This can be remarked by the Assessor on the same day if there is enough time to do so. If there is not enough time, this can be returned to the office for further guidance.
        • All courses – Please remember that each Learner’s session plan(s)/ planning material will be marked and signed off by the Tutor Assessor on-course. The Independent Assessor will receive this copy on the Summative Observed Session assessment day to cross reference with the Learner’s Portfolio and Assessor documentation.
          More detail will be added to this section as questions arise, providing Tutor Assessors with the most up-to-date responses and guidance at all times.