The Hamstrings
Did you know that we have 3 main Hamstrings, which all attach to the sit bones.
- Biceps femoris, closest to the outside of your body
- Semimembranosus, closest to the middle of your body
- Semitendinosus between the Semimembranous and the Biceps Femoris
This is why we always ask our clients to sit tall when they want a good seated hamstring stretch otherwise, if they slump into their posture, the sit bones just tuck under and so they’ve lost good form and a decent amount of a ‘healthy pull’ on that stretch.
I always like to think of the ‘Ham’ part of the word Hamstrings to be the big thick meaty part of that muscle, and the ‘Strings’ to be the thinner part of the muscle that’s blending into the tendons on either side of your knee. Both need stretching but I’m always more cautious with my stretching techniques when working on the strings due to the proximity to the tendons.
Quick note: If you’re feeling a pulling at the back of the knee it’s not actually your hamstring that’s tight but your Tibial nerve – a component of the Sciatic Nerve.
So, first whilst lying supine with both feet flat on the floor work, bring one leg in close to the chest with a bent knee, keep the thigh as close to the chest as you can and just gently pump the leg longish (don’t force this) also adding a Dorsi flexion with the movement. Do this at least 8 times to ease up this Tibual nerve.