A big Welcome to


This online workshop is perfect for instructors who would like to feel very confident in teaching stronger stretch sequences to their clients/class and gain more confidence in teaching cues and skills. If you are a purestretch instructor you already know your muscles, how to stretch them and many stretching techniques. Your teaching skills will have made you confident to walk the room and to be hands on, ensuring great form from your class. Now this is your time to shine and look amazing! There is a different feel to this class, there is far more demo work, verbal queuing and less of the “walk and correct.” The tempo is more upbeat, the choreography is tougher and the core is a killer but you are still having fun with flexibility.

With this in mind purestretch with power is ideal for

  • Those who would like to improve their flexibility and core strength
  • Those who would like to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with some upbeat tunes
  • Those who would like to have fun with fitness
  • Those who have been attending purestretch and would like to be more challenged
Purestretch with Power is not suitable for..

Those who are new to stretching/yoga or who have injuries or limitations.

The Structure of the class

Your purestretch with power class is a 45-60min class

  • 10 minutes warm up
  • 20 minutes of power
  • 10 minutes of core
  • 5 minutes chill with a super stretch or relaxation
  • (All sections can be lengthened to make an hour class if needed)

The Warm up

The mobilising warm up should take no less than 10 minutes and, in most cases, should be a standing warm up ensuring the body is mobilised, warm, loosened up and ready for work! The music must be upbeat encouraging the class to move to the tempo of the music which should be approximately around 120 bpm… Purestretch has some great PPL free music available on iTunes- check us out!

The Power

The power is a fab 20 minute routine that flows from one move to the next, challenging strength to encourage length. Purestretch with power has over 15 poses that can be adapted by adding more variety and dimension to the class. Each pose has a purpose and we are really keen to educate the class on this. Tell them what muscle they are stretching, the function of that muscle etc etc. Throughout this workshop we will familiarise you with each pose, perfect this and learn how to progress it.


Purestretch prides itself on having awesome core routines which are taught in a Pilates style.The core routines in purestretch with power are also delivered in a Pilates fashion, with mention of:

  • Breath
  • Head and spine placement
  • Shoulder stabilisation
  • Pelvic Placement
  • Rib placement

In this workshop we will refresh our Pilates head and ensure we cue correctly.

Super stretch

So, by now your class is very happy to take time out so let’s end with a super stretch that we already teach in purestretch that you feel is appropriate, relaxing and will finish Purestretch with power on a relaxing note.

So there you have it ……. Purestretch with Power.

So, here we go…

Purestretch with power mostly uses yoga moves, however, we have our own take on these and add a slight variation to the poses that take it away from the feel of yoga. We are in no way holistic and maintain the purestretch feel throughout the class. Here are a few of the moves that we will be using on a regular basis in class.
  • Lunge
  • Warrior
  • Triangle
  • Down dog
  • High leg
  • Swan
  • Fork
  • Forward fold standing narrow
  • Chair squat
  • Wide forward fold
  • Hindu squat
  • Back Bend
  • Plank
  • Childs pose
The purestretch with Power workshop is accessible online to purestretch Instructors, so if this workshop appeals to you, join the team and become part of the purestretch team! ..