The Poses
The Pose
Low Lunge
pose– Push into the heel of the front foot to activate the quads and glutes. Shoulder girdle over hip girdle and hips square.
1 Leaning back into pose
2 Knee over ankle
3 Shoulders down
4 Back foot is like a rudder
• To lengthen the hip flexors
• To strengthen the legs and glutes
Just a quickie …
You’ll notice that we refer to the videos as Purestretch with Power, because that’s exactly what Yoga(ish) is … purestretch with the added power and flow of yoga(ish) moves.
The Pose
pose- There is a strength and support to the front leg but the body is centred in this pose. Make sure the front knee is not drifting in towards the big toe. Power into the long leg and the outside line of the foot into the mat. When the arms are open pull the shoulders down the back. Exhale into your warrior!
1 No surfing
2 Shoulders in line
3 Imagine a sphere of energy between the legs pushing force out-up-down
4 Centre the body
• Strengthens and builds endurance into the outer hip and feet
• Opens the chest
• Lengthens the inside thigh
• To strengthen the legs and glutes
The Pose
pose- The leading foot is pointing forward and the back foot is parallel to the mat. Both legs are long. The leading hand slides down the inside of the leading leg with the palm up, the other arm is encouraging the shoulder to open.
1 Rotate the hip out
2 Lengthen both sides of the body
3 Headlights forward
4 Tuck butt in
• Strengthens thighs, hip and back
• Lengthens the side of body and thigh
• Opens the chest
• Balance
The Pose
Downward Dog
pose- Pressing into the heels of the hands, encourage the heels to the mat. Encourage the chest towards the bent knees tucking the tailbone under.
1 See if you can get chest to touch thighs
2 Lengthen sit bones back and up
• Lengthens the spine
• Opens the chest
• Strengthens the arms
Downward Dog
Cues to Progress…
1 Internal rotation of the elbows
2 Spread the fingers evenly apart and feel like you are lightley clawing the floor
3 Don’t let your head drop
4 Broaden your clavicle
• To lengthen the entire backline of the body
• Good blood flow to the brain and eyes
The Pose
pose- Take the hip bone to the heel of the bent leg making sure the butt of off the floor and the toes of the back leg are on the floor. Barely any weight through the hands- just enough to lengthen through the spine, keeping the shoulders away from the ears.
1 Draw belly to spine
2 All five toes touching the mat
3 Lengthen the back leg
4 Draw ribs to the spine
5 Lengthen the spine
• Lengthens the spine
• Opens the chest
The Pose
pose- Lying prone on the floor, elbows in line with the shoulders hands lightly resting on the mat, head lifted off the floor with even length through front and back of neck. Do not push your pelvic bone into the mat.
• Strengthens the back
1 Active your glutes
2 Use your arms to help you into the pose
3 Shoulders away from the arms
4 Draw belly to spin
5 Pinch your shoulders back together
• Opens the front of the body
• Compresses the lower back
Follow the Flow…
Click here to see these three poses linked together in a flow.
Forward Fold Narrow
pose- Allowing the head and shoulders to become heavy, tucking the chin in. Encouraging to rest the chest and belly close to the tighs, knees soft.
1 Lean forward surrender into the pose
2 As you move your arms, keep knees and hips steady
• Lengthens the back line of the body
The Pose
High Hip Leg
pose- Draw the leg up and encourage the chest towards the thigh with gentle support on the fingertips.
1 Tuck chin in
2 Squeeze the glute of the lifted leg
3 Breath into the progression
4 Belly to spine, core engagement for balance
• Opens the hip
• Lengthens the back line of the body
• Strengthens the glutes
• Balance
The Pose
Chair Squat
pose- Feet hip distance apart. Sit back into a squat pulling the knees away from the toes. Encourage a lengthened spine. No weight on the toes keep the knees back.
1 Don’t allow the knees to buckle
2 If your knees buckle and you can’t control this, pop a block between them
3 Hip distance? Know your hip distance
4 Draw ribs in for lumbar length
Follow the Flow…
Click here to see these three poses linked together in a flow.
• Strengthens the thighs and glutes
The Pose
Wide Forward Fold
pose– Legs wide, toes forward. Weight rolling forward towards the fingertips, lifting the tailbone up to the ceiling. Shoulders away from the ears. Ground into your feet.
1 Option to tilt the weight forward
2 Lift sit bones up
3 Belly to spine
• Lengthens the backbone
The Pose
Hindu Squat
pose- Feet are about shoulder width apart and for the easier option toes turned out. Tailbone dropping down to the floor, elbows pressing the knees open whilst the hands are on the floor. Rocking forward and back in this pose to open the hips.
1 Push knees behind big toes
2 Push palms against each other
3 Encourage tailbone under
4 Smile!
• The glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, abs and shoulders all work together to open the hips!
The Pose
Backward Fold
pose- This is not a plough. Using the hands as stabilisers to allow the spine to curl towards the floor. Distance between chin and chest. Legs are heavy.
1 This is fun… enjoy!
2 Try and get momentum going
3 Support your back with your arms
4 Chest away from the chin
• Gives a good massage to your spine
• Increase flexibility to the spine
• Energises your body
Follow the Flow…
Click here to see these three poses linked together in a flow.
The Pose
pose– making sure your shoulders are directly under the shoulders, pull the hip bones into the ribs, do not collapse between the shoulder blades and pull belly button to spine
Cues to Progress…
1 Heels over toes
2 Lengthen the spine
3 Broaden the shoulders
4 Lift the knees
Progress Further…
1 Lengthen arms
2 Neck is a continuation of the spine
3 Don’t drop hips
4 Heels over toes
5 Internal rotation of elbows
6 Spread your fingers
• Strengthens the core
• Strengthens the shoulders