Be the best that you can be!
We want you to succeed as a purestretch Instructor and to love what you do. This final presentation is our way of helping you to be the best that you can be.
Picture this:
You’re heading off to your first class, feeling nervous (which is a good thing) but also excited.
Just imagine if your timings were out and you left later than expected. You arrive minutes before the class is about to begin, and your entire class has arrived before you. With the addition of some unexpected new faces in the class waiting to join.
Entering this hectic studio situation, you notice that the room is freezing and dirty! Then a quick thought of panic enters your head…’are there enough mats for everyone?’ … clearly not, as Bob in the corner is not looking happy!
How could this have been avoided?
First tip .. be prepared!
2. Arrive at least 15 minutes before your class begins and bear in mind some of your participants may also arrive 15 mins early. Be on time to meet and greet your members. Everyone loves a happy warm welcome.
3. Particularity if this person is new. You must make it very clear in your advertising that new people to the class must arrive early, so you can have a chat with them about their ability and goals. And … it seems obvious but also mention suitable clothing and foot attire!
4. Is it clean? Are the mats clean, and also check the floor and equipment. Is the enviroment safe? Where are the first exits?
5. Your early arrival is not just to meet and greet, but to get the environment suitable for your class. Is the room the right temperature? Is the music system working? Are the lights working?
6. And .. WHERE is Bobs mat? Although you may ask your members to bring a mat, I guarantee you, that some will arrive without mats! Bring some spare mats.
7. Speaking of Mats, now that everyone has a mat to hand (and I cannot stress this enough!), make sure that everyone puts their mats in the same direction as each other and, that there is enough room for each person to move … (Think snow angels!)
8. Style of Music, this is totally depending on what style of purestretch you are teaching and your audience.
Some folk are a bit more sensitive to the volume of the tunes than others; ) The great news is that purestretch supplies music for either a relaxing or slightly more upbeat class. If you are teaching HIIT then you will need to search farther afield for your music choice, but advice is always to hand on the Facebook group.